Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10 Reasons Why You Should Neuter Your Dog

Owning a dog for a pet can be a wonderful experience for both you and your dog. However, it is important to take responsibility for your dog's care and that includes neutering your dog. You may think you have a good reason to not neuter your pet but, here are ten good reasons why neutering your dog is important.

Neutering your dog prevents unwanted litters. Each year nearly 4 million pets are euthanized in the United States alone. This does not count the number of litters of puppies disposed of by careless pet owners who did not have their dog neutered and then could no t afford to take care of the unwanted litter.
Neutering (Spaying) your female dog helps to prevent the health risks caused by pregnancy. Pregnancy is hard on your dog's body especially if litters come too close together. Neutering your female dog can help prevent the health risks associated with pregnancy and help her to maintain her good health. Also, each heat cycle the female dog experiences, increases her chances of developing a pyometra (uterine infection) or breast cancer later in life.
Castrating your dog can eliminate the risk of testicle cancer. This only makes sense if you eliminate your dogs testicles you eliminate the risk of testicle cancer. While this is important in all dogs it is especially important in dogs who have only had one testicle drop and the risk of testicle cancer is even greater.
Castrating your dog can reduce the risk of perineal hernias. When a hernia creates a tear in the body wall, body fat and organs can push through the tear and end up under the skin next to the anus. Intact male dogs are at greater risks for perineal hernias which is quite painful to your dog and can only be corrected by expensive surgery
Neutering your dog will make him/her less aggressive. A male dog that is intact is more likely to get into fights and mount anything that moves including the postman's or your mother-in-laws leg. Female dogs who have litters often become very aggressive to anyone who comes near their litters.
Castrating your dog will decrease your dogs urge to roam. Intact male dogs are more likely to escape penned in yards or wander off putting them at risk to be injured or killed.
Neutering your dog will reduce the risk of spreading disease. An unneutered dog will mate even a strange dog. Being in contact with another dog who does not have current vaccinations can put your dog at risk for contacting a number of diseases.
Neutering may become necessary to save your dogs life or health. In some cases such as enlarged prostrate or certain tumors neutering may be the only option to save your dogs life. Why wait and jeopardize his health?
Neutering your dog may help to avoid spreading bad genes. Conditions such as hip dysplasia, heart conditions and other genetic problems can be avoided by neutering your dog.
Neutering can save you both money and emotional distress.

Losing a dog in pregnancy or to a condition that could have been prevented by neutering will cost you dearly both in losing a beloved pet and the vet bills that will be incurred.

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