Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to Deal With Bad Dog Behavior

Most of the dog behaviors are caused by miscommunication. The whole idea is not due to meanness or spite of the dog. There are just times when the owner and his pet cannot understand each other. It takes a lot of proper management and patience to retrain a dog against its bad behaviors.

Knowing how to deal with bad dog behavior will create a bond between us and out pet. But first, you first need to know what causes these unpleasant behaviors of dogs before we go to dealing with them.

Dogs develop their unlikable behaviors due to several factors. It can be of fear; miscommunication or the pet is just born mean depending on their breeds. We need to know how to deal with bad pet behaviors that are mentioned above. Good thing there are ways to do this.

1. You need to know the source of their bad behavior. At first, you may not be expert to this because dogs can be quite understood when you are new to them. You can ask for a professional dog trainer or maybe people who always have pet dogs. They can give you advice on how to identify the source of your dog's bad behavior.

2. Do not reward the bad behavior of your pet. Some people tend to get sweet and cuddle their dog once their pet angry. But this is actually wrong. The pet will only repeat that bed behavior knowing that you will be nicer to him. If he does something unpleasant, ignore him and do not get tempted even if he tries to play with you. Make the pet feel that you are mad.

3. If the dog gets angry and furious, you need to stay calm and not show fear to it. You have to make your pet understand that you are the boss. You need to be the one giving the rules. Whenever your dog is starting behaving bad, control him immediately. Shout at him with a firm "No!" or "Stop!"

4. If your dog responds to your command to stop behaving badly, then reward him with a praise or play with him. But do not reward him unless he follows. When the dog knows that you like what he's doing and you praise him with it, the dog will kept on obeying you.

5. Prevention is better than cure. That is what you can do to prevent your dog from behaving badly. Try to keep your dog busy with giving him some toys. Most dogs behave unpleasantly because of boredom. When they cannot find anything to do, they will start destroying things or start annoying you just to get attention. To avoid that, play with your dog, cuddle him and give him something to chew on.

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