Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dachshund Obedience Training

Dachshunds are smart, intelligent and single minded dogs. It is important that they learn how to behave, something that is best achieved through Dachshund obedience training. Some owners take their Dachshunds to training classes, others prefer to work with their dog at home.

What Are the Benefits of Dachshund Obedience Training?

Obedience training is a team effort between you and your Dachshund. You learn how to present commands to your Dachshund, and they learn to respond promptly. Examples of the skills you need to learn include:

Pack Leader

The biggest benefit of attending Dachshund obedience training classes is that you have a trainer to show you how to be pack leader. Dachsunds are strong willed and will take advantage if they can, it is important that you are in charge and that your Dachshund knows it! Once your Dachshund understands that you are pack leader and they must listen to you training will become much easier.

Core Commands.

Dachshund obedience training involves mastering commands including sit, stay, down, and heel. These skills will be invaluable out in the world when an immediate response to a command may save your Dachshunds life. These behaviors also are the building blocks on which more advanced skills and behaviors can be built

Walking on a Loose Leash.

In any good obedience class you will spend time during each class practicing walking on a loose leash. No one likes to have their dog, no matter if they are a Dachshund or Great Dane, pull on the leash whenever they are out for a walk. In addition to not pulling, you need to train your Dachshund to stay close to you, listen to you, and to sit before crossing a road or if approached by other dogs.

Barking and Biting

Dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers and as a result, even many generations later, barking and biting can be problems. If you have problems with barking or especially biting, you should take your dachshund to obedience training classes. There trainers can tell you how to appropriately address the specific problem you are having, and can recommend you see a veterinarian or veterinary behaviorist if they feel the problem is severe enough.

Dachshund obedience training is very important and something that you should start from the day that you get your Dachshund, be it as a puppy or an adult. Obedience training lays the foundation on which you build further skills and behaviors and gives the building blocks on which you develop your relationship with your Dachshund.

Whether you go to obedience training classes or train at home, it is important that you implement what you have learned outside of formal training sessions. You need to demonstrate to your Dachshund, through your actions, that you are pack leader and in charge.

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