Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's Ok to Use Human Shampoo on a Dog

When it comes to grooming your dog there are a lot of old wives tales and myths floating around. Many of these are not correct so I am going to help clear up a lot of things for you.

One big dog grooming myth is that you should only bathe your dog when he is really dirty. The reason they say this is because of the fear that doing it too much will strip your dog's hair of its natural oils and or that you will dry out his hair.

This simply isn't true any more. It was true back in the olden days because they were using different shampoos. The shampoos that they were using were not correctly PH balanced for the dogs skin and hair, like they are today. This older shampoo did strip the oil and dry out the hair. However, this isn't the case today, all you have to do is make sure you are using the proper shampoo and you can wash your dog as often as you please.

Never use human shampoo to wash your dog. Generally this is true. Human shampoo is not formulated correctly for a dog. They were made for humans. If you really need to wash your dog and you don't have any dog shampoo then it is ok for you to use human shampoo. Though, you need to make sure that it isn't medicated and that you properly rinse it off of your pet. Also, make sure that you don't make a habit of using our shampoo to wash your dog.

Another common myth is that dogs bad breath is completely natural. This is only the case if you want it to be. It doesn't have to be this way, in fact your dog can have good breath. However, if there is constant bad odors from your dogs breathe you might want to take him to the vet. Constant bad breathe can be a big indicator that your dog might be sick with cancer or has a serious gum and tooth disease. The only way to be sure it take him to the vet.

Knowing the truth about these old wives tells will greatly aid you with your dog grooming and will keep both you and your dog happier in the long run.

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