Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Three Great Steps How To Stop Dog Jumping Up

You have the responsibility to teach your pet not to jump on people, this is actually dangerous especially around small children which can get your pet and even you in some trouble. There are three great steps how to stop dog jumping up on people, these steps may help you in this task. I hope you enjoy this article, and it brings you and your pet to a common ground. Please read on.

The first step to learn how to stop dog jumping up is to understand why your pet does this. There are actually three main reasons for this. The first is understandably they are happy to see you and they are showing excitement. The next would be that your pet may be just seeking your attention. If you are very busy and, not that you mean to, but you tend to ignore your pet he may be desperate for attention. Finally, which is not common, the bad word of dominance. Some dogs need to show dominance to their owners and this needs to be stopped immediately or you will find it very hard to teach your pet. Like I said this is uncommon but it is there and should be addressed.

Step one, how to stop dog jumping up is if he is looking for attention. This is an easy method to cure as you stop giving him/her what they are looking for when they do something bad. This will work for many aspects of teaching. If your dog jumps on you turn around and walk away from them. I know this hurts you though it hurts their feeling even more, it does not take long for a dog to associate jumping on you is not a good way to get attention, this actually is a way to stop attention.

Step two, how to stop dog jumping up is consistency. The only way your pet is going to learn from you is to teach consistently the same methods every time. If you are teaching a dog to stop jumping you can not reward the pet when he jumps on you because you feel it is ok you do not mind, then turn around and scold them when they jump up on guests, the mail man, or so on. All this does is confuse the dog and this will put your training back miles as you work with them.

Step three, how to stop dog jumping up is, most important, never beat or hit your dog. Not only will this possibly injure your pet because you are stronger than you look, it will drive your relationship further apart each time you do it. Almost all methods of training that work on animals refer to mind training and not punishing by abusive methods such as shock collars or beating of a dog. Even though we as parents of the dog sometimes feel the need just like our children to beat the hell out of them this is not a resolution it is a relationship breaker.

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