Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Benefits of a Raw Food Diet For Dogs

Dogs are better off having a raw food diet than having the commercially-produced ones often seen stacked on supermarket shelves that contain the usual preservatives, chemicals, fillers, or grains. While this may sound weird or different for many dog owners out there, the fact is there are many long-term benefits a raw diet can give and this is not limited to selected breeds. Giving all pet dogs the necessary raw foods is actually more beneficial to them than stuffing them regularly with the commercial foods that are not providing them the necessary nutrients they need.

Here are some of the benefits dogs will have when they are on a raw food diet:

Weights will improve. Not too thin, and certainly not obese. Having a raw food diet will clean up your dog's system and result in leaner and healthier bodies.
There will be no need for the regular dental cleanups. Dogs' teeth will naturally clean up by itself with the diet and this means no tartar and no odor from their mouths. With a raw food diet, their teeth will be stronger and cleaner, and any irreversible damage to their teeth and gums like periodontal disease will be prevented.
No more diarrhea. With commercially-produced foods, dogs are often susceptible to diarrhea because of the additives and unhealthy preservatives that are usually present in these foods. A raw food diet is totally free from all these and that makes it safe and healthier for the dogs.
Dogs' immune systems will improve with natural, chemical-free raw food. They will be less sickly, more energetic, and have longer, healthier lives. This means less vet visits and more savings for every pet owner as well.
Allergies will be totally eliminated because of the natural anti-oxidants they get from raw food that make them more resistant to allergies. Commercially-produced grains often trigger skin allergies. With a raw food diet, dogs' coats will also have more sheen and natural luster.
For the dog owners, it will mean a whole lot of savings on commercial dog foods because raw food can be sourced out easily from the kitchen, the local butcher shop, or meat and chicken shops that usually have no use for chicken heads or feet, pig's feet, and many other meat and chicken parts that are thrown away but are very good raw food sources for dogs. These can either be asked or bought for a minimal amount.

Many pet owners still prefer the commercial food for their dogs especially when they have already started in this kind of diet and making a switch to something natural may not be easy for some dog owners. But there are many who have tried and are now seeing the good benefits of a switch. A natural, more nutritious diet for your dogs should not be difficult if one starts out slow.

Chicken, fish, and raw eggs, for example are great starters. Then slowly follow up with raw meat such as beef, pork, lamb, duck, rabbit, and venison. Then as days and weeks roll by, your dog can have a variety-a little raw meat here and some chicken; then whole fish, squids, and raw meat later; then a mix-pork, chicken, whole fish, rabbit, and so on.

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