Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Different Types of Dog Aggressions

Most of the abandoned dogs are due to their aggressive behaviors. When their owner cannot control their aggressiveness any longer, they will desert them somewhere until the animal shelter finds them. That is why numbers of dogs we see from shelters have such aggressive behaviors. There are reasons why pet get their aggressiveness. We need to understand the different types of aggression in dogs to find out what we can do about it.

Here are some of the most common types of aggression in dogs:

1. Fear

Dogs can be quite aggressive when they are afraid. This can be due to a lot of reasons. If you got your pet from the breeder, it may be that the breeder himself did not have a good environment for the dogs. That is what makes the pets become fearful. Maybe they did not give proper caring for them. On the other hand, if you get your pet from the shelter, it may also have a fear with people. If the pet was rescued from the streets, then it could have developed fear with people. Being left out in the streets can be very scary and it will leave a traumatic memory to the dog.

What you need to do about this is to make sure that your dog will feel ease around you. Give your pet the caring that it deserves. That way, he will be able to take that fear from people.

2. Redirection

This type of aggression in dogs is caused by their confusion. If the pet wants to get something which he finds difficulty getting it, the pet will direct his aggressiveness to other things. That way, his emotions will be released. This goes the same when the dog tries to chase the mail man. If you try to control the dog in attacking the mailman, you will be the one attacked instead.

3. Territorial

This is typical to guard dogs. They are the protective dogs who are there to guard something. It can be their home, their food, a person or their toys. Dogs like these are actually good to have especially if we need something to guard our homes. The only problem is that they can be really aggressive to the point that they can attack even your friends who try to visit you. Everyone will become strangers and enemies to the dog except you.

To cure this, you may want to get your dog to socialize with other people or other pets.

4. Misdirected Aggression

This happens when there are two dogs fighting against each other. It is very dangerous to stop dogs from fighting because they can redirect their anger to you. If you want to avoid getting hurt, just let the dogs fight. They will eventually stop afterwards. Getting in between the two will only get you in trouble.

These mentioned types of aggression in dogs are just some of the most common ones. So if you start triggering these from your dog, you better know the initial step to treat it.

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