Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Anti Bark Dog Collar - Teach Your Dog That Silence is a Virtue

After his work shift, Mark comes home to his Labrador, Gabriel. As he unlocks his front door, he can already hear Gabriel barking that good-natured welcome-home-happy bark. Mark kneels and pets his companion for three-years. It wasn't always this good. "He's barking again, and it's scaring my cats," one of Mark's neighbors would complain over the phone. The barking got so bad Mark didn't know how to calm down Gabriel. After conducting an online search, he found out about how effective an anti bark dog collar was.

Controlling your dog's barking

Any responsible dog owner would want to curtail his dog's annoying, loud barking. Unless you can always spare time from work, you don't want to have to check up at home to calm your dog down. It can get worse - you could be driving, with your dog in your car, when all that barking happens. You want to be able to put a stop to that barking, which is often accompanied by a restlessness that could claw up furniture and break things.

Mark found out, after some observation, and a day off from work, that Gabriel barked at other dogs being walked early in the morning, and in the afternoon. Since Mark couldn't always be at home to hush his dog, some dog training tools were needed. The easiest to procure was an anti bark dog collar.

Shopping is easy

All Mark had to do was decide on a collar that fit Gabriel's size, and to choose the deterrent mechanism on the collar. Static collars mildly electrocuted the dog, or sent a vibration. Spray types released a chemical that annoyed the dog. Ultrasonic ones emitted a high pitched sound. None of these harmed the dog, but Mark decided to the spray type. His research informed him that his dog's sense of smell would only be irritated by the spray. After a few days of wearing the anti bark dog collar, Gabriel calmed down.

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