Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to Give Your Dog a Proper Bath That Will Last

No one likes a smelly canine! Like humans, dogs need to be bathed in order to stay clean and smell good. Unlike humans, dogs do not need to be bathed every day. In fact, bathing Fido too often can cause skin irritation. Most dogs should not be bathed more than once each week; some can go even longer than that. The most important thing is to make sure the bath counts. In other words, how you bathe your pooch can determine how long they stay clean. Here are some tips on how to correctly bathe your dog so that the benefits last.

1. Use an all natural dog shampoo. Never use people shampoo on your pooch as this can dry out their skin and cause irritation. Invest in a dog shampoo that is specific to your dogs needs. For example, if you have a puppy make sure your use a "puppy" shampoo. If your dog suffers from allergies or itchy skin, use a gentle dog shampoo that is formulated to help with these issues, such as an oatmeal based dog shampoo.

2. Use lukewarm water to completely saturate your dog's coat. Dogs' feel water temperature different than we do. If the water feels very warm to you, it will most likely feel too hot for your dog. Err on the side of caution and use water that feels slightly cool. Make sure that your dogs coat is completely wet through. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get a lather and the shampoo will not work as well. NOTE: Make sure you dog's coat is tangle free before the bath so you don't end up with a matted dog!

3. Dispense the shampoo on different parts of your dog's body and work into a lather. Gently massage the shampoo into his body being careful to avoid the eyes. You can also use a grooming mitt which really helps to loosen and remove dirt and dead skin.

4. Once the shampoo has been worked into the body, rinse well with clean water starting from the top of the dog and work your way down. Make sure all of the shampoo has been rinsed away.

5. Gently run your hands down your dog's body and legs to squeeze out any excess water. Use a towel to continue the drying process. You can use a dryer on your dog if you choose, but make sure the air is cool not hot. Otherwise, allow your dog to just dry naturally.

Start bathing your dog as a puppy so that they get accustomed to the process and don't cause a fuss. Make it a normal part of their weekly routine. Also, in addition to maintaining good hygiene, bath time is a good chance to bond with your pooch. Utilizing the above tips to properly wash your dog will keep them clean and smelling fresh for longer. The better your dog smells, the happier you and your family will be!

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